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More information

    1. One-stop-shop solution

    We offer a one-stop-shop solution for the entire photonics product development cycle, offering services from conceptualization to full-scale production with a single point of contact for clients.


    2. Streamlined product development

    We created a streamlined approach to product development, allowing for a seamless transition from identifying your needs to delivering production-ready devices. This reduces complexity and expedites time to market.


    3. Free feasibility consulting

    We provide free feasibility consulting to build industry trust and attract clients, showcasing Hamamatsu's expertise and commitment to potential projects.


    4. Custom integration strategies

    We assist clients with custom integration strategies that find an optimal balance between integration depth and hybrid systems, ensuring cost-effectiveness without compromising performance.


    5. Collaborative concept development

    We will foster a collaborative concept development with you to ensure that the final products meet your specific needs and align with market demands.


    6. Vertical integration

    We embrace vertical integration to control the entire value chain, from materials to finished products, to assure quality, reduce dependencies on third parties, and boost production efficiency.


    7. Intellectual property security

    We put you at ease about the security of your innovations by guaranteeing intellectual property rights retention for developments made for your applications.


    8. Risk mitigation

    We mitigate risks associated with scaling to mass production, ensuring a smooth and efficient transition from prototype to commercial product approved by Hamamatsu.



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